CENTRE WELLINGTON – Centre Wellington Mayor Shawn Watters and staff will meet with the County of Wellington to discuss reported problems regarding garbage collection in both the Fergus and Elora downtown cores.
A recent delegation at a committee of the whole meeting from Fergus and Elora BIA chairs say that the County of Wellingtons move to bi-weekly collection has been problematic, including smell, appearance and pests.
Tala Jenkins, Chair of the Fergus BIA said the county’s decision, without seeking advice of the various BIAs within the county, has been detrimental to Downtown Fergus.
She says following an unsuccessful request to the county, they were forced to carry out a private collection at their own expense for the weeks without garbage collection.
Meanwhile, Maclean Hann, Elora BIA Chair says it’s pretty bad in Downtown Elora too.
Centre Wellington Mayor Shawn Watters said at yesterday’s meeting that he and staff will be meeting with the county to discuss this matter.
Watters said they will bring back a report in the future.