To submit your event, fill out the following form as completely and accurately as possible. Here are some things you need to know:
- Events that are added must be community charitable or not for profit events ONLY. If your event will promote a business or other for-profit initiative, please contact our Sales Department to find out how we can help you promote your event!
- If your event is approved, it will show up on the Community Beat page.
- We must receive your event at least 2 weeks in advance for it to show up on Community Beat.
- Ensure accuracy in your submission as we do not generally edit submissions for spelling, grammar or formatting before approving.
** We cannot guarantee your information will be published and broadcast due to limited space and airtime. For guaranteed frequency, please contact our Sales Department and one of our representatives will contact you.
**** Don’t worry, contact name and information is only for administrative use and not for broadcast. Sometimes we need to contact you for more information.****