ELORA – A McDonald’s and a grocery store are being proposed to be built in Elora.
According to a draft official plan and zoning bylaw amendment to the Township of Centre Wellington shows an application seeking approval for the development of a new stand alone restaurant (McDonald’s) at 94 Wellington Road 7 beside the Gorge Country Kitchen and a retail food store at 22 Park Road behind the Gorge Country Kitchen.

Screenshot from document application

screenshot from document application
The document notes the vacant land behind the Gorge Country Kitchen is currently zoned industrial but would need to be changed to highway commercial and lift the holding provisions in order for the proposal to move forward.
In addition, consent applications are in the process with the County of Wellington for the creation of an easement for shared access and service between the subject lands.
“The proposed amendment is appropriate and represents a logical extension of the existing highway commercial land use. The proposed amendment will ultimately create new opportunities for retail uses along the existing commercial corridor and will not create any negative impacts on adjacent lands.” the draft official plan states.
Comments on the application can be submitted to the municipal clerk by March 7th here, a public meeting for the application is also to be scheduled at a later date.
For the full application click on 22 Park, Road, Elora at https://www.centrewellington.ca/en/doing-business/current-applications.aspx