ELORA – Joseph Gibbons, an Elora-based authour, will hold an official unveiling for his new book Saturday night in Elora.
Discovering Optimal, Gibbons says, is designed for anyone looking for a change in their life.
100% of the book’s profits will go towards children’s mental health initiatives.
Gibbons, who said he became worn down and overworked taking on too many professional opportunities, explains his journey to optimal health and wellness was anything but linear.
According to the authour, the purpose of the book is more than just to help find what optimal means to the reader. It’s also to give those leafing through its pages the opportunity to take a broader look at their life.
One method of practice in particular, resonated with him along his journey back to mental wellbeing.
Gibbons says he wants to use his story as a cautionary tale, as he doesn’t want others’ starting point to be as low as his was.
Doors open at 6 and the event will run until 8 p.m. tomorrow evening.
Gibbons will make a presentation debriefing the book at 7 o’clock.