WELLINGTON NORTH – Downtown Arthur and Mount Forest could see additional waste collection starting in March.
According to a staff report going before Wellington North Council on Monday, includes a recommendation for the township to enter into an agreement with the county to provide weekly waste collection in the Arthur and Mount Forest downtown areas.
This comes after the Mount Forest BIA reached out to the township last fall to investigate the possibility of additional waste collection in the downtown areas.
The BIA said additional waste collection in the downtown areas is necessary to address downtown stores and residents above storefronts not being able to store their waste and having no space for larger garbage bins.
If approved, waste collection on the additional weeks would take place on Thursday and would need to occur as early as 6am.
In Mount Forest, the downtown area for pickup will be from Queen Street at the south to Birmingham Street at the north. In Arthur, collection would take place from Frederick Street in the north to Eliza Street at the south.
“Based on the limited ability of the BIAs to fund this cost in 2024, staff are recommending that the additional cost be absorbed by the township in 2024,’ the report says.
Township staff say they have identified the County BR&E allocation of $25,000, provided annually, as a potential funding source to cover the unbudgeted increment of this cost.
“Waste Management will bill the County monthly for this work and the County will bill the Township at or near the end of 2024. Estimated 2024 cost, based on a March start, is $10,000,” the report said.
The report will be presented for consideration at the 2pm meeting.
You can read the full report here.