CENTRE WELLINGTON – It was a packed house and a packed agenda at Centre Wellington Council last night. One of the topics that dominated the majority of time was what to do with the Bissell Park multi-purpose pad.
Council heard from several delegations and a presentation regarding options for the space, that has reached the end of its service life, was given.
Staff had recommended going forward with option 3 that included a multi-use surface with refrigeration capabilities in the winter months, a roof over the pad, two new buildings for storage and ice maintenance, along with concrete pathways and retaining walls. The $5.7 million price tag could be lowered by several other funds, including a required $700,000 dollar cash injection from the 2025 capital budget. The proposal would also depend on a successful grant application to the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.
Councillor Bronwynne Wilton expressed concern about the proposal, saying it felt rushed and it seemed to only favour the hockey community.
Resident Mateo Carrie spoke to council about the need for other facilities in the area for residents, especially young people, not just more ice for hockey players.
Councillor Lisa MacDonald said she has seen all sports and activities at the current facility, even puppy training, and waiting any longer would mean missing the grant application deadline.
In the end, MacDonald put forward a motion to proceed with option 2 with Wilton being the deciding vote.
Mayor Shawn Watters had to be excused from all discussion and votes on the topic, due to his involvement with Riverfest.
Option 2, is similar in design to option 3 but has no roof over the pad and comes with an estimated price of $4 million. Staff was directed to go forward with the grant application process despite future design and cost discussions that could still be required.