CENTRE WELLINGTON – The final report of Centre Wellington’s Downtown Parking Strategy will be presented at Monday’s council meeting.
In June 2023, staff retained R.J. Burnside and Associates to develop a Municipal Downtown Parking Strategy, focused specifically on the downtown areas in Elora and Fergus.
“Given the length and complexity of the Downtown Parking Strategy, staff are proposing that Council only receives the report for information at this time, allowing time to review the report and all recommendations before adoption of the Strategy at a later date,” staff said in the report.
A phased approach to implementation is being recommended by staff.
“While the Downtown Parking Strategy will be in draft form until Council adopts it, it would be prudent to continue parking enforcement and shuttle programs for the 2024 season and staff require advanced approval to have this in place for May.”
Staff say there are two significant areas contained within the 2024 implementation table, including parking enforcement and the shuttle program.
In the 2023 season, the township generated over $151,000 in parking enforcement revenue, however around $41,000 was retained by Wellington County for administration purposes.
“Through this report, staff seek approval from Council to investigate an enforcement process where the Township exclusively administers parking enforcement in 2024.”
Staff would bring a report to Council by May 2024.
Meanwhile, staff say the shuttle program, saw a significant increase from the previous year with over 1,400 riders from May to September in 2023, with “ambassadors” on the shuttle, assisting riders with information on the Township as well as on board entertainment.
“A similar approach would be used for 2024, with a similar schedule (weekends and holidays, 11am to 6pm). The specific shuttle route is being
reviewed by staff,” the report said.
As for road closures in the township, staff are recommending closing a portion of Provost Lane in Fergus similar to previous years, if the Fergus BIA is in agreement. Any other closures would be approved through the Township’s special event permitting process.
The full Downtown Parking Strategy report will be presented for information at Monday’s 6pm meeting.
You can read the full report and Downtown Parking Strategy here.