FERGUS – A new housing development is being proposed in north Fergus.
According to a planning justification report, Wrighthaven Homes is proposing to rezone 73 and 79 Sideroad 19 in Fergus.
The developer is proposing to build 21 new homes consisting of one single unit, eight semi-detached units, and 12 cluster townhouse units, as well as the associated streets, parking, amenity space, and stormwater management facility.
The report says the proposed development conforms with the general intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law as it supports redevelopment and intensification toward Fergus’ population targets for 2051.
A public meeting regarding the proposed by-law amendment will be held on Wednesday, January 29at 6pm at 1 MacDonald Square in Elora to receive public input.
More information can be found here.