GUELPH, Ontario – The Upper Grand DSB is providing secondary students with a final opportunity to change between in-person and remote school modes of learning.
Parents/guardians of secondary students wishing to change their mode of learning must complete the Secondary Intent to Change Survey between January 4 and 11. The survey is posted on the board website at
Only those wanting to change from their current placement are to fill out this survey. If a survey form is not completed by the deadline date of January 11 at 4 pm, the student’s current learning mode status will remain.
Students in secondary school will have two options:
1. Switch to Remote Learning for Semester 2 (Quadmesters 3 and 4)
2. Switch to In-Person Learning at their home school for Semester 2 (Quadmesters 3 and 4)
Semester 2 (Quadmesters 3 and 4) runs from February 3 to June 29, 2021. At this time, we anticipate that Semester 2 will run using the same or similar model as Semester 1.
IMPORTANT: Unlike Semester 1 where students had the option of switching between quadmester 1 and 2, the January survey will be the only remaining opportunity for students to change their learning mode. In other words, where a student begins Semester 2 is where they will remain for the rest of the school year. This will allow schools to best meet the needs of students with respect to course selection, and to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that students have the courses they need by the end of the school year.
For full details, please visit the UGDSB website at